Our Mission


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Through our bespoke engagement plans, we facilitate meaningful mutually beneficial bonds between communities and organizations while providing pathways for creatives to bring their skills to market.


Our Values

We hold deeply that the creative economy for creatives of color is desperately undervalued. Despite being the fastest growing economic segment in the world, the very people who create the value are of the least supported or celebrated. Real Talk? Creatives are both our cultural innovators and our cultural custodians.

Elevators seeks to help organizations make meaningful contributions to the essential and often overlooked creative economy by sourcing local talent to help execute the plans we create. We are driven to build a more equitable entrepreneurial ecosystem for creatives of color through creativity, empathy, and purpose. We are truly for the people, by the people.

Our belief is that by creating custom human centered and culture forward programs, organizations are getting a more personalized approach to community engagement that values the story, people, and sauce that makes every individual area unique. The result is a more engaging and established dynamic between your organization and your core audience.

“we movin’ on up in the world like elevators…” - outkast